Today I wanted to get back into my organisation challenge and talk about the often forgotten subject of keeping up with the expiry dates! I don’t know how they manage it, but things seem to go past their used by dates without me even trying! I try to use everything I have (especially when it comes to the items in the kitchen) but sometimes I just don’t bake enough, or you have to buy a huge thing of flour when you only need a cup! I do hope this isn’t just me, but giggle at me and my once a year cake baking if you must ;) As it’s now Spring and spring cleaning seems to be a thing, I thought we could tackle this one together!
What you’ll need:
- A box or bin bag to put in all the things that are out of date
- Kitchen Sorting time – fridge and pantry
- Medicine Cabinet Sorting time
- Bathroom Sorting time – including your makeup bag, sunscreens, creams, etc
- Cleaning Products Sorting time
- Your mini makeover essentials
Start with making sure that the tunes are playing and you are feeling up to the challenge before beginning. Then grab a box or bin (trash) bag and pick a room to start with. I chose the pantry in the kitchen (it was no small feat). I did just one shelf at a time and gave it a bit of a clean as I did. I checked all the expiry dates and only returned the items that were still in date. There weren’t as many as I expected that were out of date – but it wasn’t so surprising as I did a big clean out last Christmas so things were either eaten in the mean time or hadn’t been purchased again.
Next I tackled the fridge. This one wasn’t too difficult for me, as we keep ours pretty bare with just two of us living in the house at the moment. It’s an important one though. Especially check things like cream which seems to go off super quickly. Checking the vegetable drawers isn’t fun but you do feel better when they’re all clean and nice.
The medicine cabinet was next. This is clearly my weak point! I may have found old paracetamol in a brand new packaging that expired in 2003 at the very bottom of the medicine box. There were lots of creams, tapes (like elastoplast) and things that needed to be disposed of. We also replaced the old bandages that no longer had any give and were just no good. I felt so much better knowing what was in the medicine cabinet should I ever need them!
After a break I tackled the bathrooms. This wasn’t too bad, but my makeup bag (which I hardly ever use) got a clean out. There are some great resources out there that tell you how long you should keep your makeup after it’s been opened if you’re wondering if it’s time to replace. The things you hardly use are the ones that seem to go off without you even trying! Damn you mascara I only used once! ;) Also check any sun creams, lotions, insect repellants that you only use seasonally, some do have used by dates. If you keep a kit for when you’re travelling, check that too – especially if you haven’t been away for a while. You’d hate to travel somewhere and realise once you got there that it’s no good! (I may have learned the hard way!)
Last in line was my cleaning products. I took a quick look through mine and they all seemed ok. We don’t have too many as I’m really sensitive to chemicals and because of that I’m not usually in charge of the bug spray or the poisons, but they are worth you checking that they’re all still ok to use.
Whilst this might not be the most fun of challenges, it is really nice when the job is done and you don’t have to think about it for a while! You could also write a list of the things that need replacing as you add things to the box, and even make note of the things that will expire next (especially in the pantry) and use them before they do. I love the idea of impromptu scones to use up the flour. Yum!!
Do you have a method of keeping on top of expiry dates? Will you try this? I’d love to hear!
If you do try this, I’d love to see a photo or hear about how it went! Tweet me your pics at: @danniellecresp or instagram me at: @dannielle with the hashtag: #styleaminimakeover