Tomorrow this blog is 3. It's been three whole years since I brought my little idea to life. I loved this space so much and for a long time it brought me a lot of joy. But there's no confetti or cookies or parties in-a-box today. Just a 7 hour shift at work. So much has changed in the last 6 months. Not much writing. A new job. New hobbies and getting running back. I … [Read More...]

Mini Makeover: Make Your Own Colourful Deer Head
By Dannielle on
* Sponsored Post for Spotlight for National Craft Month A couple of weeks ago, I got the chance to go to the launch of Spotlight's National Craft Month. Not only was it a fun day of trying out some crafts and learning about what Spotlight has to offer us crafty folk, but it was also a chance to see the a project they'd asked me to be part of! Before the event, they asked some … [Read More...]

Mini Makeover: Cool Chopping Board Set
By Dannielle on
* This is a review post sponsored by Everten. If you've been reading this blog for even a little while, you'll know that I'm drawn to colourful things. They make me and my home happier and I love when they are functional too. Recently, the lovely folks at Everten (an Aussie kitchenware online store) contacted me and asked if I'd like to review something for my kitchen and I … [Read More...]

Mini Makeover: Ace Baking Pan Storage Solution
By Dannielle on
I thought I'd kick off regular posting with an easy mini makeover that I did over the summer break that has made a big difference to my kitchen and didn't cost a whole lot of money. As you might know, one of my aims this year is to learn to cook a lot more dishes and to learn to love being in the kitchen. For me that can only start with everything in its right place. Last … [Read More...]

Great Summer Sale Finds
By Dannielle on
Last week I was all set to publish a post about why having nice things makes my home happier, but when I read it back, I realised that I was apologising for wanting to replace things that were past their usable days because of some ideal that we should be happy with what we have. But that's a bit silly, so I'm going to stop doing that. What I've realised is that having good … [Read More...]

Ace New Year’s Eve Party Ideas
By Dannielle on
With one week left until Christmas and the new year quickly approaching, I thought I'd finish off the Saturday posts for the year with some ace New Year's Eve party ideas you might like to try! Here they are! Party Invitation Printable This has been updated for ringing in 2016 and is super fun (and free!)! Find it here “Party In A Glass” Parfaits These are a cool idea … [Read More...]

My Tutti Fruity 30 Party
By Dannielle on
A few weeks back, I celebrated my upcoming 30th birthday with a lunchtime party with a few friends and a super fun theme! If you've been following the blog this year you'll know that the theme was tutti fruity and I was excited to see how all the different elements came together on the day! I didn't take many photos myself, but the lovely Emily of Good Things* took some great … [Read More...]

Awesome Desserts to Make for Christmas Day
By Dannielle on
There's just under 2 weeks left until Christmas and whilst the Christmas Gift Guide may be complete, but I wanted to share one last Christmas related round up and this time it's all about dessert! Here are some awesome desserts to make for Christmas Day! Christmas Jelly Slice This is a fun no bake option for your Christmas Dessert! Find it here Ice Cream Pudding This is … [Read More...]