Today I’m going to be a bit cheeky and bring up the C word. No not the rude one! Christmas! Yes, that’s the one! You might be thinking that it’s far too early to be thinking of such things, but I promise you that, should you want the silly season to be as stress free as humanly possible you need to start getting organised now! (I promise I won’t sing any Carols)
Before you start freaking out and running around like a crazy person with all the worries, remember that I’ve got your back! Back in June I started my challenge to get organised by the end of the year and I promised that I’d bring you along for the ride, and I wasn’t kidding. I have created a set of 6 printables for you (and me) so that we can WIN at the silly season and not only beat the Christmas rush (and that mad panic you get when the postal system starts to flow like molasses and you don’t know if the gifts will arrive in time like I did Christmas 2010).
I bet you’re asking: ‘But WHY would I want to start thinking about this now, crazy lady?’ The answer is: So you can think your gift ideas through and not just take a blind stab in the dark at what you would like to get the special people in your life on Christmas Eve. September also has some sales that are worth watching out for and it gives you plenty of time, should you be ordering your gifts online. I’m not saying that you have to do everything now, just that if you start now, you can plan and schedule the time (and even the ingredients you need) to have a less last-minute Christmas.
What are the printables?
You get 6 printables, with the instructions on how to use them, in the order I think they’ll be most helpful (though you can fill them in any order you like) Here are the 6:
- Christmas Present List – where you can list all the people you need to have gifts for including a budget
- Christmas Online Shopping List – including columns for Ordering by and Ordering on dates
- Gift Wrapping Shopping List – with suggested supplies and space for your own
- Christmas Present Making List – for all the gifts you (or your kids) to make or bake and what supplies you’ll need
- Advent Calendar Planner – for those of you who want to make your own advent tradition of gifts rather than the chocolate from the shops
- Christmas Menu Shopping List – for the food and decorations for the big day and who will be in charge of what
Because the silly season is different for each of us, some of the sheets might be more relevant to you than others, but I wanted to try to link them all together in the hopes of taking you from now into December with you always being a little bit ahead of where you need to be. (I left tree decorating out as I know many people have their own special traditions for that or are like me and don’t have the tree at all ;) forgive me!)
As we get closer to Christmas time, I’m hoping to share some fun present ideas and some lovely handmade shops that might help you with your planning and gift giving as well as the normal organisation challenges. I’m also going to try really hard not to ruin all my own family’s Christmas surprises by sharing them with you first. But I’ll probably fail at that! ;)
If you’re ready to make 2013 An Organised Christmas you can get yours for just $2.
I’d love to hear how it goes! I’m off to start on my lists right now!
Happy planning!
Price is in Australian Dollars. Here’s a currency converter in case you need one.
What a great idea! I should get to work on Christmas soon…I’m just glad the cards for dodeline are designed :-) now on to the personal stuff!
Thanks Sarah! :)