Procrastination gets even the most organised and driven person from time to time and those of us who also feel a bit of self doubt creeping in can really use procrastination to not follow through on what we want to do. For me, follow through isn’t a big problem anymore, but there was a time when it really was. And having talked to quite a few people about it I know that it’s a big thing that stops people in their tracks when they’re trying to follow their dreams and goals.
A couple of years back, when I wasn’t quite so good at finishing what I started, I bought Steven Pressfield’s book Turning Pro. I was in Michigan and I had just made the decision to move back to Australia and not stay in Canada like I had planned. (It was a couple of months before I started this blog). I read it from cover to cover on the flight home and it was good, but afterwards I couldn’t have told you what I had read.
But the words in the book seeped into my brain, because things started to change. I got really focused, and without me really realising it, I became that girl who follows through. The one who never misses a blog posting day and sits down and gets the job done when even scrubbing the kitchen seems like a better idea. I turned pro.
I reread Pressfield’s book over the Christmas break and this time I realised just how much had changed. It’s an easy read with most chapters being around a page each and are more one idea for you to mull over. It’s not a light book to read, but does he ever make you take a look at what you’ve been doing and what you really should be doing.
He doesn’t shy away from telling his own story as well. He talks in detail about the difference between the amateur and the pro and makes sure that you really understand the difference between the two without ever being condescending. It’s almost like it’s a friend telling you a series of stories that really get you thinking and help you to act on it.
I don’t want to give too much away, because he writes it so much better than I can, but if you have been feeling like you want to follow through with things more this year or just want a perspective on the professional mindset, I cannot recommend this book highly enough.
It’s one that I think I will reread about every 18 months or so just as a reminder of where I was, where I am and where I want to be. There aren’t too many books that can make me both so reflective and ready for action in just 132 pages. It’s definitely a kick in the pants when you need one.
If you’re interested, you can get the book from Amazon here*
Is following through more on your list this year? Or what helps you to make sure you get all your work done?
*I’m an Amazon affiliate. I will make a little money if you choose to buy through the link. I will no doubt put it into more awesome books to share with you. x