Hello! Happy Saturday! I'm back this week with a fun one for 5 Things... This week it's all about the gorgeousness that I would love to have in my home! Sometimes it's nice to find things that you'd like to have, even if now isn't the right time to buy. Here are mine for this week! Earth the Wait Container Set I really love pretty storage containers and these are just so … [Read more...]
7 Clever Ways to Fill Your Cup
Last weekend I had the chance to get out of the house and attend a blogging masterclass and catch up with some lovely people at the same time. As a homebody who doesn't live close to any of my friends I can really forget how important those face-to-face connections are. I love the internet for making connecting from far away easy, but it's not quite the same thing. It really … [Read more...]
5 Things… Making My Home Feel Happier
Hello! Happy Saturday! This week I'm starting a new thing on Saturdays. It's called "5 Things" and each week I'll be sharing 5 fun things on different topics. I'm hoping to let it grow and change a little over the next few weeks and months, but it should be short, sweet and fun! Please feel free to join in and share your link in the comments if you do! This week I'm kicking it … [Read more...]
How To Be Brave When You’re Just Not Feeling It
Bravery is a funny thing. Sometimes it feels like it should only be used for fighting medieval battles or for something heroic, and don't get me wrong, it's totally appropriate for both of those, but sometimes it can be much simpler than that. Booking an appointment that you would rather just not deal with or doing something out of your comfort zone are also times where you … [Read more...]
5 Things You Can Do to Feel More Organised
Organisation is one of those things that I'm working to be much better at, but I've definitely found that it takes setting some routines and following them through. I'm not sure it will ever be something that I'm perfect at, as sometimes life and busyness gets in the way and it takes some extra work to get back on track. The good thing about this embracing imperfection series, … [Read more...]
What to Do When Your Goals Feel Too Big
I love a big goal. One that requires lots of planning and a ton of patience and what feels like (and often is) a million little steps to reach. But sometimes those big goals, like this one, feel like they're too big to achieve. People will tell you to break them down and focus on each individual step. Which is great, but what do you do when you've done that and you're working … [Read more...]
Songs to Boost Your Happy Home
One of the best ways I've found to quickly give my happy home a boost, is to pop on some music and have a dance party. It seems a bit silly, but it's making the effort to feel lighthearted and have a bit of fun can really turn a day from blah to great, and it doesn't cost any money! One of the other great things about it is that you can get others to join in. Kids, roommates, … [Read more...]
How to Have an Intentionally Slow Day When You’re Crazy Busy
It might seem counterproductive to even be thinking of having an intentionally slow day when things around you are moving at a pace that you’re struggling to keep up with. But it’s actually the perfect time to hit pause and take a day to regroup and refocus on what matters to you. Pillow from Tiny Prints home decor Schedule it It might seem a little crazy to schedule a slow … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Add More Fun to Your Home
I was listening to one of my favourite podcasts* the other day and Kathleen Shannon (one of the hosts) said to their guest that "doing fun things takes effort" and a lightbulb went off in my head. YES! It really does, but it's also really worth it. Sometimes doing fun things in our homes takes much more effort than what we usually have on each day. But with a little bit of … [Read more...]
How Not to Get Caught in the Online vs Reality Trap
There are so many websites that bring beautiful images of homes and have ideas on what makes a life "perfect" that we can easily get caught up in thinking that we'll never be good enough. That we'll never look like them or have as many pretty things or even stay as blissfully calm as they seem to. But here's the reality: A photo is just a moment in time. A post or article is an … [Read more...]
5 Things You Can Do to Turn a Bad Day Around
Sometimes we just wake on the wrong side of the bed or little things that, on their own would be fine, all seem to pile up and you feel stuck in a bad day. This is incredibly frustrating and is something that I try to now recognise early and try to stop it before it snowballs and feels like it's ruined your whole day. So, here are my 5 favourite things you can do to turn a bad … [Read more...]
10 Things You Can Do This Week to Make Your Home Feel Happier
One of the trickiest parts of feeling like you have a happy home would have to be stress. It's not easy to feel calm and happy at home when you feel like there's a massive to-do list of things that must get done and it never seems to get any shorter. It might seem simple enough to say "well I'll just choose to feel less stressed at home this week" but it's not always that … [Read more...]
Why You Should Start Creating a Happy Home Now
Today I want to start a new series on the blog, that will continue every second Thursday. One where the theme is about creating a great, happy home for you and for me. One where we not only talk about embracing imperfection, but where we make steps to do it. One where we focus more on the memories we are making and less of how picture perfect it might look from the outside. And … [Read more...]
Alt Summit Winter 2015: My Highlights
14 months ago I started planning and saving so that I could attend Alt Summit Winter 2015 in Salt Lake City, UT. It was no easy feat to make it happen. It cost a lot of money, and many times I thought I wasn't going to make it. You might be wondering why it was so important to me to fly half way across the world for a blogging conference? But Alt Summit is one of a kind - and … [Read more...]