* Post Sponsored by Spotlight. Each year I try to do something that makes the silly season a little less stressful by getting organised early. There are just so many elements to think of that, when Spotlight asked if I'd like to work with them for Christmas 2015, I knew just what I would love to share! I've been sharing kit ideas on this blog since the beginning and I realised … [Read more...]
Mini Makeover: Quick Craft Supplies Kit for Kids
There are school holidays happening around the country in my part of the world and an Easter long weekend starting tomorrow, so I thought it might be time to share another cool kit for those days where the "I'm bored"s are coming thick and fast. This is an easy one if you already have craft supplies scattered around the house, but is also easy to make with a trip to either the … [Read more...]
Mini Makeover: Out the Door Running Kit
The hardest part of making (and keeping) my running habit is getting out of the house. It can be so easy to feel like it's just too much hassle to actually lace up my shoes and get out the door. As I'm the kind of person that needs my gear with me when I go running, I've decided that now is the perfect time to make myself a running kit so I can grab what I need and get out of … [Read more...]
Mini Makeover: Ready for Travel Kit
You might know that today I leave for the USA for 2 weeks for Alt Summit and a little bit of a break too. Whilst I was starting the process of packing for this trip, I realised that whilst I have a bunch of great stuff for travelling, it's spread out all over the house in places where I think I'll easily remember, but never really do. So today I thought I'd share what I'll be … [Read more...]
Mini Makeover: Last Minute Gifts Kit
No matter how organised I try to be, the closer it gets to Christmas time, the more chances there are that I will forget to organise a gift for someone and I feel really stressed about it. There are also those times where events that need gifts (like a last minute secret santa, or a fundraiser that everyone needs to contribute to) pop up unexpectedly and I am rushing around to … [Read more...]
Mini Makeover: Australian Treats Gift Box
Around this time last year one of my closest friends (who just happened to guest post for me last Tuesday) moved back from 5 years living overseas. She lives in a different state to me and I wanted to surprise her with a 'welcome home' gift box upon her return. I decided that I would buy her some Aussie treats that she missed whilst overseas with a note about how she could now … [Read more...]
Mini Makeover: Make a Winter Treat Box
Winter makes me want to hibernate. It's cold and rainy and the windchill makes me wonder whether the weather man is lying to me about that 12°C it supposedly is! We don't get snow here, but the rain and the cloudy weather seems to make up for it. If you're a bit of a winter hibernator too, or you know someone who is, today I'm sharing a fun winter treat box you can make to help … [Read more...]
Mini Makeover: Make Your Own Birthday Party-in-a-Box
As you've probably guessed by now, it's birthday week on the blog this week! Style for a Happy Home officially turned ONE yesterday! Hooray! To celebrate I decided that I would send out a party-in-a-box to 9 of the people who have really made my first year of SFAHH special. At first it seemed really over the top to make such a fuss, but then I realised that it I really wanted … [Read more...]
Mini Makeover: Make a Grab-n-Go Sketchbook Kit
Do you ever have those moments where you just need to get outside for a walk and some time away from the house/work/wherever to just think and be? I know I do, and if I'm heading out I like to have something with me that I can write out my thoughts or just sketch out some ideas. I'm not great at drawing but sometimes it's not about the finished product, it's just about letting … [Read more...]
Mini Makeover: Office Starter Kit
I don't think I can have a month that's all about getting organised and not talk about getting the office organised. On the weekend I shared some gorgeous inspiration for making it look good, but today I thought we would create another kit. This one is for getting your office started (or replenished) and would also make some great gift ideas for someone you know who is starting … [Read more...]
Mini Makeover: Make Your Own Road Trip Tin for the Kids
The Easter long weekend is this weekend and traditionally it's a weekend for road tripping for families. Whether it's to see family and friends or to go camping as a tight-knit group, there are thousands of Aussies packing up their cars, stocking up on snacks and getting ready to head to their next destination. Because of this I thought it would be fun to give you just one idea … [Read more...]
Mini Makeover: Temporary Guest Room Kit
Today I wanted to share with you another great kit to have in your home. This one is for those times you have guests coming to stay and you want to make them feel welcome! I've kept it simple so that you can transform a bedroom into a temporary guest room without too much effort on the day, if you don't have a permanent guest room available in your home that you can keep like … [Read more...]
Mini Makeover: Make Your Own Picnic Set
We get some glorious Summer days here in Melbourne, where it's not too hot and not too cold and it's the perfect opportunity to get outside for a picnic. Today I wanted to share with you an affordable way that you can create your own picnic set that is more kid friendly and wouldn't be a tragedy if a piece or two accidentally got left behind. Those fine china ones look lovely, … [Read more...]
Mini Makeover: Ultimate Gift Wrapping Kit – Christmas Edition
The silly season is nearly upon us, so I thought I'd add to the Ultimate Gift Wrapping Kit that I made in July with this Christmas Edition. These add nicely to your already existing kit and you can mix and match your gift wrapping (like using brown paper or neon twine) with any of these shared below. What to put in your kit: Gold Star Shaped Box - You can see how I … [Read more...]