It might seem counterproductive to even be thinking of having an intentionally slow day when things around you are moving at a pace that you’re struggling to keep up with. But it’s actually the perfect time to hit pause and take a day to regroup and refocus on what matters to you.
Pillow from Tiny Prints home decor
Schedule it
It might seem a little crazy to schedule a slow day, but as anyone who is crazy busy understands, if it’s not scheduled, it’s unlikely to happen. So mark it in your calendar as a day where you can’t do anything else and treat it as though it’s an important meeting you just can’t miss.
Plan for it
Can you feel the reasons that you couldn’t possibly do this creeping in? Plan for it. On top of scheduling it, make sure that the urgent things you know you’d cancel it for are planned around it. Tell people in advance that you’ll be unreachable on that certain day. Set up an out of office reply. Organise important meetings for other days. Tidy your home so you don’t feel like you’ll need to on slow day. Everyone needs a recharge day. This is yours.
Get provisions
Now the scheduling and planning are done, it’s time to decide what you’ll need to make your slow day a success? Do you need snacks and new DVDs? Or do you need to buy that book you’ve been hanging out to read? Do you know where the delivery menus are so you don’t have to leave the house all day? Get them ready!
Follow through
Now comes the tricky part for some of us, the follow through. When the day you scheduled arrives, it’s time for you to not find housework or other tasks you could be doing and actually take the day off! Get out the snacks, or your book or however you plan to spend the day and get comfy. It may feel a little forced at first if you’re constantly busy, but just allow yourself to relax and make it the slow day where you can really enjoy being at home.
Once you’ve done it once, make it a habit. Even if it’s once every quarter. Just something that gives you a chance to press pause on the busy for just one day and enjoy it. Put it on your calendar or in your planner today!
Do you make time for intentionally slow days? What makes a great intentionally slow day for you?
Disclaimer: Tiny Prints kindly gifted me with the pillow and the notebook that are shown in the image. You can find the pillow in Tiny Prints home decor and the notebook here. This post is my own, and their pretty goods were the perfect fit to accompany it. As always, I only include things that I think are a good fit for Style for a Happy Home and this pillow couldn’t be more perfect for that. x D
I’m not quite up to having a whole DAY like this yet but I’m definitely taking baby steps – thanks for the inspiration!
I’m glad you’re going to give it a go, even if it’s just a part of a day! Yay!