Hello! Happy Saturday! I’m back for another 5 Things to share with you. This week it’s all about cool stuff I’m reading. I don’t read too many books at the moment, but I’m reading a lot of fun articles that people are sharing on social media and I feel like even though it’s not books that I’m reading, I’m learning cool stuff more than ever! Here are 5 I think you might enjoy too!
- This article about moving to an island to scoop ice cream and it being a great decision
- This interview with Amy Poehler about why being uncomfortable isn’t always a bad thing
- This lovely post about making it through a tough time (with an easy shepherd’s pie recipe too)
- This interesting post about asking the big questions and taking a leap
- This great post about how things work out and a trip down memory lane
I didn’t realise it until I listed them, but these all make a theme. I guess big change is on my mind. The first article in particular reminded me to keep working at my dream of the country move (that’s what I’ll call it from now on “the country move”),but I think in a way, they all do. It’s nice to read things that inspire you and are there when you need them. The internet is ace like that!
What have you enjoyed reading? I’d love to know!
To join in leave a comment or blog on your own site and leave a link in the comments to your post. x
I have been reading a great book, you should read it as a complete step away from any current thoughts. It was brilliant. The Devil in the Marshalsea, it will teach you about history, but might not help with any big changes in current day.
I read your review on your blog and I’m going to see if my library has a copy! Sounds really interesting! Thanks x